
ContohText was initially just a blog that contained various things related to English, especially about the examples of English text that completed with the translation (in Bahasa Indonesia) to help beginners understand well. But over time, we try to expand the discussion on a number of things that are still related, such as the best English course for particular region or country as well as several other things related to education.

ContohText was found in 2017. It is managed by an admin who has the competence and capability in writing English language texts and proofreading, by completing an undergraduate English teaching degree. So here we tried to minimalize the errors either in terms of writing, grammar, or translation.

However, the author of this blog is still an ordinary person who may on several occasions make mistakes. So we also expect feedback and responses from you as the readers who are at the intermediate and advanced level of English if there are any errors that need to be revised, please let me know by telling me in the comments section or contact page.

That’s all we can say and best wishes from ContohText team for you, English language learner and who are enthusiastic about it.