100+ Contoh Kalimat Irregular Verb

Dari sekian banyak grammar bahasa Inggris, mempelajari irregular verb merupakan salah satu hal yang paling mendasar. Irregular verb sendiri merupakan kata kerja yang memiliki pola perubahan bentuk tidak beraturan untuk V1 (simple form), V2 (simple past), dan V3 (past participle).

contoh kalimat irregular verb
Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

Jika pada regular verb kita mengenal perubahan pola V2 dan V3 dengan adanya penambahan -ed, pada irregular verb ada berbagai pola perubahan yang perlu dihafal jika kita ingin menguasai irregular verb dengan baik.

Di postingan ini, ContohText tidak akan membahas semua irregular verbs yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris, tapi kalau kamu mau mempelajarinya lebih mendalam bisa cek postingan sebelumnya mengenai 200+ daftar lengkap irregular verbs dalam bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Kalimat Irregular Verb

Berikut ContohText bagikan berbagai contoh kalimat irregular verb yang umum dan sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Selain itu, contoh kalimat irregular verb-nya juga lengkap disertai contoh penggunaan untuk V1 (simple form), V2 (simple past), dan V3 (past participle).

1. say, said, said

  • Do you have anything to say?
  • She said she won’t tell anyone.
  • I have said what I wanted to say.

2. make, made, made

  • Mei makes her own dress.
  • The news made him very happy.
  • Japanese metalworkers have made the skill of patination into an art form.

3. go, went, gone

  • Linda goes to work by bus.
  • Daniel went to Bali last month.
  • The passengers have gone on board.

4. take, took, taken

  • I take my laptop with me when I go to the coffee shop.
  • Her talent and hard work took her to the top of her profession.
  • The judge has taken the matter under advisement.

5. come, came, come

  • Your name comes after mine on the list.
  • Spring came late last year.
  • It worries me that she hasn’t come home yet.

6. see, saw, seen

  • I hate to see you sad.
  • I saw you put the key on the table last night.
  • I have seen that banner three times this week.

7. know, knew, known

  • She knows the local area very well.
  • I knew where he was hiding.
  • I have known Sarah since college. 

8. get, got, got/gotten (US)

  • I get a lot of spam mail.
  • I got a few games free when I bought my computer last Friday.
  • She hasn’t got anybody to play with.

9. give, gave, given

  • Please give this letter to your mother.
  • My grandmother gave me this necklace years ago.
  • We have been given reassurances that the water is safe to drink.

10. find, found, found

  • Can you find me a nice hotel near here?
  • I found the letter amongst her books.
  • Indah has found the best car that suits her needs to replace her old one.

11. think, thought, thought

  • I think this new apartment is great.
  • I thought I heard something.
  • Have you thought about having your hair in a shorter style?

12. tell, told, told

  • This gauge tells us how much fuel we have left.
  • He told me about the accident.
  • They have told us that they’re not coming this week.

13. become, became, become

  • She’s studying to become a teacher.
  • Slowly my eyes became accustomed to the darkness.
  • Pollution from cars has become a major problem.

14. show, showed, shown

  • This data shows how people are influenced by TV advertisements.
  • He showed me our location on the map.
  • Market research has shown us that people want quality, not just low prices.

15. leave, left, left

  • The plane leaves for Singapore at 12.45.
  • Someone left this note for you.
  • I have left my bag on the bus.

16. feel, felt, felt

  • You will feel better after a good night’s sleep.
  • She felt betrayed.

17. put, put, put

  • Put your name at the top of each answer sheet.
  • He put the coffee on the table.
  • We have to put our house up as collateral damage for the bank loan.

18. bring, brought, brought

  • I bring a present for Elisa.
  • She brought her boyfriend to the party last night.
  • Astronauts have brought back specimens of rock from the moon.

19. begin, began, begun

  • As everybody is here, let’s begin the discussion.
  • We began work on the project in August.
  • Work has begun on the construction of the new airport.

20. keep, kept, kept

  • I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
  • He kept his coat on.
  • She has kept in close contact with her brother.

21. hold, held, held

  • Can you hold this mug for a moment for me?
  • I held the mouse by its tail.
  • She has held the company for three years.

22. write, wrote, written

  • I’m so busy right now. I have an essay to write.
  • He wrote some very famous books.
  • Donna has written only a skeletal plot for her story so far.

23. stand, stood, stood

  • Don’t just stand there, help me!
  • She stood in the doorway.
  • I have stood here for an hour waiting for the bus.

24. hear, heard, heard

  • She can’t hear very well.
  • I just heard someone go upstairs.
  • I have heard that joke before.

25. let, let, let

  • Let your body relax for a moment.
  • She let him looked her new room.
  • Rosa has let his driver’s license expire.

26. mean, meant, meant

  • The red light means you must stop.
  • She really meant it when she said that.
  • This season has meant everything to us.

27. set, set, set

  • Chop the mushroom and set them aside.
  • Mark set the pan on the stove.
  • She has set up in business as a hairdresser.

28. meet, met, met

  • I will meet you by the main reception desk.
  • He met me outside the theater last week.
  • You look familiar to me; we must have met somewhere before.

29. run, ran, run

  • She can run as fat as Mila.
  • They turned and ran when they saw us coming.
  • I have run out of patience.

30. pay, paid, paid

  • Can I pay by credit card?
  • My mother paid for my driving lessons.
  • They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid.

31. sit, sat, sat

  • Andi always sits in that chair.
  • He went inside and sat beside her.

32. speak, spoke, spoken

  • Can I speak to the manager, please?
  • He spoke for a long time.
  • I have spoken twice about this issue so far and didn’t get any response yet.

33. lie, lay, lain

  • Don’t lie in the sun for too long.
  • He just lay there for a few minutes.

34. lead, led, led

  • If you lead, I’ll follow.
  • My uncle led the cattle back into the barn.
  • Overproduction, coupled with falling sales, has led to huge losses for the company.

35. read, read, read

  • I can’t read your writing.
  • He read the poem aloud.
  • I have read that novel five times.

36. grow, grew, grown

  • In Indonesia, you can grow vegetables easily.
  • The company's profit grew by 2.5% last year.
  • The company has grown explosively over the last few years.

37. lose, lost, lost

  • I’ll lose my job if the shoe factory closes.
  • I lost my key this morning.
  • The agency has lost several of its most important accounts.

38. fall, fell, fallen

  • The interest rates will fall further.
  • The book fell from his hands.
  • The prices of computer graphic cards have fallen about 50% in the last two months.

39. send, sent, sent

  • I’ll send a copy to you.
  • Wiwik sent her mom flowers for Mother’s Day.
  • More troops have been sent to the front.

40. build, built, built

  • Robins build nests almost anywhere.
  • Johan built us a shed in the backyard.
  • Her company has built up a customer base of 30,000.

41. understand, understood, understood

  • She doesn’t understand English.
  • At last, she understood the importance of establishing a close rapport with clients.
  • Most people here haven’t understood the bad effect of littering the river.

42. draw, drew, drawn

  • Thomas can draw cartoons very well.
  • The case drew international attention.
  • The plan has drawn a lot of criticism in the last couple of weeks.

43. break, broke, broken

  • Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over gentle heat.
  • Wulan broke the biscuit in half and handed one piece to her brother.
  • I think I’ve broken the washing machine.

44. spend, spent, spent

  • I can’t afford to spend any more money this week.
  • Yuni spent all of her money on a new dress.
  • I have spent two weeks in Bali.

45. cut, cut, cut

  • You need to cut the amount of sugar in your diet.
  • She cut her finger on a piece of glass.
  • The government has cut the interest rates with effect from the beginning of next month.

46. rise, rose, risen

  • Temperatures rarely rise above freezing.
  • Sales rose by 25% over the Christmas period.
  • The river has risen by several meters since last night. 

47. drive, drove, driven

  • Milly drives 10 miles to work.
  • Sheila drove me home this afternoon.
  • Be careful, you have driven through two red lights so far.

48. buy, bought, bought

  • Let me buy you a drink.
  • He bought me a new coat two days ago.
  • Don’t waste any more money, you have bought three branded bags since last month.

49. wear, wore, worn

  • Jihan always wears black when shopping.
  • She wore her new coat yesterday.
  • He has worn a hearing aid since the accident.

50. choose, chose, chosen

  • You choose where you want to eat, I can’t decide.
  • We chose to go by train.
  • The government has chosen the location to relocate the illegal settlements nearby Ciliwung river area.

Ok, itulah tadi berbagai contoh kalimat irregular verb dan penggunaannya untuk V1 (simple form), V2 (simple past), dan V3 (past participle). Kalau kamu ingin mempelajari regular verb dan irregular verb, langsung aja cek postingan berikut:

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