Perbedaan Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect Tense dan Contoh Soalnya

Halo, pembaca ContohText semua! Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris terutama tentang tense, tentu kita kerap menjumpai kalimat simple past tense dan present perfect tense, kan. Terkadang dua jenis tenses ini bisa membuat kita kebingungan mengingat keduanya biasa digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan yang terjadi di masa lalu.

perbedaan simple past tense dan present perfect tense

Jadi, apa sih perbedaan simple past tense dan present perfect tense sebenarnya? Kapan sebaiknya kita menggunakan simple past tense dan present perfect tense? Untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan tersebut, langsung aja bisa simak pembahasan mengenai perbedaan simple past tense dan present perfect berikut ini.

Struktur Simple Past Tense dan Present Tense

Sebelum kita membahas perbedaan simple past tense dan present perfect tense, ada baiknya kita lihat kembali mengenai struktur dari kedua tenses tersebut.

Struktur Simple Past Tense

Rumus/Struktur Simple Past Tense

Affirmative (+)

Subject + verb 2 + object …

Negative (-)

Subject + was/were + not + object …

Subject + did not + verb 1 + object …

Interrogative (?)

Was/were + subject + object …?

Did + subject + verb 1 + object …?

Contoh kalimat simple past tense:

(+) John bought a new car three days ago.

(-) John didn’t buy a new car three days ago.

(?) Did John buy a new car three days ago?

Struktur Present Perfect Tense

Rumus/Struktur Present Perfect Tense

Affirmative (+)

Subject + have/has + verb 3 + object …

Negative (-)

Subject + have/has + not + verb 3 + object …

Interrogative (?)

Have/has + subject + verb 3 + object …?

Contoh kalimat present perfect tense:

(+) John has bought a new car.

(-) John hasn’t bought a new car.

(?) Has John bought a new car?

Nah, setelah ingatan kamu ter-refresh kembali mengenai struktur simple past tense dan present perfect tense, yang secara garis besar keduanya mendeskripsikan kegiatan di masa lampau. Lalu, apa sih sebenarnya perbedaan simple past tense dan present perfect tense yang lebih spesifik sebenarnya?

Perbedaan Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect Tense

1. Perbedaan simple past tense dan present perfect tense yang pertama datang dari keterangan waktunya.

Simple past tense digunakan untuk kegiatan masa lalu yang kapan terjadinya itu memiliki keterangan waktu spesifik, contohnya: yesterday, last night, two days ago, dll.


  • I walked to school yesterday.
  • Sandra bought a new iPhone last week.
  • I met Yuni yesterday at a party. Her husband was there too, but I didn’t meet him.

Sementara, present perfect tense itu digunakan untuk menunjukkan kegiatan masa lalu yang kapan terjadinya tidak memiliki waktu yang spesifik.

Beberapa keterangan waktu yang biasa digunakan pada present perfect tense seperti: just, already, yet, ever, never, recently, lately, since, for, dan so far.


  • They have moved into a new apartment.
  • Iwan hasn’t seen that movie yet.
  • I’ve met Yuni, but I haven’t met her husband.

2. Perbedaan simple past tense dan present perfect tense yang kedua yakni simple past tense berfungsi untuk menunjukkan sebuah tindakan atau keadaan yang dimulai dan selesai pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu.


  • Mr. Fatkhur was an English teacher for three years, from 2017 to 2020. Now he is an engineer.

Pada kalimat simple past di atas menunjukkan kalau Mr. Fatkhur dulunya seorang guru dan saat ini bukan lagi seorang guru.

Sementara itu, present perfect tense menunjukkan sebuah tindakan atau keadaan yang terjadi di masa lalu, di mana waktunya tidak spesifik, bisa baru saja selesai, atau masih berlanjut hingga sekarang.


  • Mr. Fatkhur has been an English teacher for three years.

Pada kalimat present perfect di atas menunjukkan kalau Mr. Fatkhur sudah menjadi guru selama 3 tahun dan sampai sekarang dia masih menjadi seorang guru.

3. Perbedaan simple past tense dan present perfect tense yang terakhir yakni pada akibat yang ditimbulkan.

Simple past tense memiliki akibat yang ditimbulkan dari tindakan atau keadaan di masa lalu yang tidak terlalu dirasakan.


  • I painted the bench yesterday.

Pada kalimat simple past di atas, bangkunya sudah selesai dicat kemarin, jadi kemungkinan besar catnya juga sudah kering dan efek cat basah sudah tidak ada.

Sementara itu, present perfect tense memiliki akibat yang ditimbulkan masih dapat dirasakan hingga sekarang.


  • I have just painted the bench, so be careful.

Pada kalimat present perfect di atas, bangkunya baru saja selesai dicat, namun efek yang ditimbulkan seperti cat yang masih basah mungkin saja masih ada.

Contoh Soal tentang Perbedaan Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect Tense

Nah, agar kamu lebih memahami mengenai konteks dari penggunaan kedua jenis tenses tersebut, berikut ContohText berikan beberapa soal latihan mengenai perbedaan simple past tense dan present perfect tense, selamat mengerjakan!

Contoh Soal Perbedaan Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect 1

Directions: Use the simple past or the present perfect. In some sentences, either tense is possible but the meaning is different.


I (attend, not) __________ any parties since I came here.


Al (go) __________ to a party at Sally's apartment last Saturday night.


Bill (arrive) __________ here three days ago.


Bill (be) __________ here since the 22nd.


Try not to be absent from class again for the rest of the term. You (miss, already) __________ too many classes. You (miss) __________ two classes just last week.


So far this week, I (have) __________ two tests and a quiz.


Alex is an artist. He (draw) ______ many beautiful pictures in his lifetime. Last week he (draw) ______ a beautiful mountain scene.


Jack really needs to get in touch with you. Since this morning, he (call) ______ here four times trying to reach you. He (call) __________ at 9:10, 10:25, 12:15, and 1:45.


Janet (wear) ______ her new blue dress only once since she bought it. She (wear) __________ it to her brother's wedding last month.


The night has ended, and it’s daylight now. The sun (rise) __________. It (rise) at 6:08.


Last January, I (see) __________ snow for the first time in my life.


Fatima (see, never) __________ snow in her entire lifetime.


I (know) __________ Greg Adams for ten years.


A: Is Ahmed here yet?


B: Yes. He (arrive, just) __________.


A: I (be, not) __________ able to reach Mr. Ridwan yet. So far he (respond, not) __________ to any of my attempts to reach him.


B: Oh?


A: I (start) __________ trying to reach him three days ago. Since then, I (fax) __________ him twice. I (phone) __________ him four times. And I (send) __________ at least six e-mails.


B: I guess modern communications don't mean much if there's no one at the other end.

Cek Kunci Jawabannya di Sini: Kunci Jawaban 

Contoh Soal Perbedaan Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect 2

Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or the present perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.


Fatima is from a hot, arid part of her country. She (see, never) _________ snow.


Last January, I (see) _________ snow for the first time in my life.


Last night my friend and I (have) _________ some free time, so we (go) _________ to a show.


Since classes began, I (have, not) _________ much free time. My classes keep me really busy.


Indah (be) _________ in this class for three months. Her English is getting better and better. She plans to take this class until the end of May.


Mrs. Perez (be) _________ in our class for three months, but then she left school to get a job.


Late-breaking news! A major earthquake (occur, just) _________ in southern California. It (occur) _________ at 9:25 A.M. Pacific Standard Time.


I admit that I (get) _________ older since I last (see) _________ you, but with any luck at all, I (get, also) _________ wiser.


A: Are you taking Chemistry 101 this semester?


B: No, I (take, already) _________ it. I (take) _________ it last semester. This semester I’m in 102.


Greg Adams? Yes, I know him. I (know) _________ him since college.


Joe North passed away? I’m sorry to hear that. I (know) _________ him well when we were in college together.

Cek Kunci Jawabannya di Sini: Kunci Jawaban


Azar, Betty Schrampfer, 2002. Understanding and Using English Grammar Third Edition.New York: Pearson Education, Longman.