150+ Contoh Kalimat Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb beserta Artinya
Kata kerja atau verb merupakan salah satu dasar yang perlu dipelajari untuk kamu yang masih belajar Bahasa Inggris pemula. Dengan mempelajari kata kerja, diharapkan kita nantinya bisa lebih mudah memahami kata kerja dan bisa membuat kalimat kata kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris, kita mengenal dua jenis verb berdasarkan perubahan bentuknya yakni regular verb (kata kerja beraturan) dan irregular verb (kata kerja tidak beraturan). Sesuai dengan namanya, regular verb memiliki perubahan yang beraturan untuk bentuk past (V2) dan past participle (V3), sementara irregular verb memiliki perubahan bentuk past (V2) dan past participle (V3) yang tidak berturan.
Contoh Kalimat Regular Verb dan Irregular Verb beserta Artinya
Mengingat kita tak akan membahas mendalam mengenai penggunaan past tense dan past participle di sini, jadi buat kamu yang ingin mempelajari bagaimana penggunaan dan cara pembentukan past tense ataupun past participle, kamu bisa mempelajarinya di pembahasan kita sebelumnya mengenai pengertian, penggunaan, dan rumus simple past tense dan juga pengertian, penggunaan dan rumus simple present perfect tense.
Nah, untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai contoh kalimat regular verb dan irregular verb beserta artinya, langsung saja simak pembahasannya di bawah ini.
Contoh Kalimat Regular Verb beserta Artinya
Untuk kumpulan kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang pertama ini merupakan contoh kalimat kata kerja reguler yang umum digunakan. Kita tak perlu susah payah menghafalkan V2 dan V3 dari regular verb ini karena sama yakni dengan menambahkan –e/-ed di belakang verb tersebut. Masing-masing kata kerja secara berurutan yaitu infinitive (V1), past (V2), dan past participle (V3).
- accept, accepted, accepted
- Please accept this small gift.
Terima pemberian kecil ini. - Herman accepted her offer of coffee.
Herman menerima tawaran kopi darinya.
- Please accept this small gift.
- act, acted, acted
- The UN must act now to restore democracy.
PBB harus bertindak sekarang untuk memulihkan demokrasi. - I acted more out of compassion than anything else.
Aku bertindak lebih berbelas kasih daripada yang lainnya.
- The UN must act now to restore democracy.
- bake, baked, baked
- My grandmother usually bakes her own bread.
Nenekku biasanya membuat roti sendiri. - They baked bread and the whole house smelled of new bread.
Mereka memanggang roti dan seluruh rumah berbau roti baru.
- My grandmother usually bakes her own bread.
- behave, behaved, behaved
- Make sure you behave yourselves when we visit Grandma.
Pastikan kau berperilaku baik saat kita mengunjungi Nenek. - You behaved bravely in a very difficult situation.
Kau berperilaku berani dalam situasi yang sangat sulit.
- Make sure you behave yourselves when we visit Grandma.
- close, closed, closed
- She closed the door.
Dia menutup pintunya tadi. - Close all applications before shutting down your computer.
Tutup semua aplikasi sebelum mematikan komputermu.
- She closed the door.
- compare, compared, compared
- You should compare at least three or four computers before buying one.
Kau harus membandingkan setidaknya tiga atau empat komputer sebelum membeli. - They compared the result of both experiments.
Mereka membandingkan hasil dari kedua percobaan.
- You should compare at least three or four computers before buying one.
- compete, competed, competed
- Nowadays we have to compete more and more with foreign companies.
Saat ini kita harus semakin bersaing dengan perusahaan asing.
- Nowadays we have to compete more and more with foreign companies.
- die, died, died
- He died at the age of 75.
Dia meninggal pada usia 75 tahun. - No wonder your plants always die - you don't water them enough.
Tidak heran tanaman Anda selalu mati - Anda tidak cukup menyiraminya.
- He died at the age of 75.
- disagree, disagreed, disagreed
- Your child may disagree with you.
Anakmu mungkin tidak setuju denganmu. - Jena strongly disagreed with Arman’s statement.
Jena sangat tidak setuju dengan pernyataan Arman.
- Your child may disagree with you.
- disturb, disturbed, disturbed
- Cutting down rainforests disturbs the Earth's balance.
Menebang hutan hujan mengganggu keseimbangan Bumi.
- Cutting down rainforests disturbs the Earth's balance.
- dress, dressed, dressed
- Can you dress the kids while I make breakfast?
Bisakah kamu mendandani anak-anak saat aku membuat sarapan? - I dressed the salad with peanut sauce.
Aku membumbui salad dengan saus kacang.
- Can you dress the kids while I make breakfast?
- dry, dried, dried
- Wet clothes dry quickly on a sunny day.
Pakaian basah cepat kering pada hari yang cerah. - Dini dried her hand.
Dini mengeringkan tangannya tadi.
- Wet clothes dry quickly on a sunny day.
- eliminate, eliminated, eliminated
- The dictator eliminated anyone who might be a threat to him.
Diktator melenyapkan siapa pun yang mungkin menjadi ancaman baginya. - The credit card eliminates the need for cash.
Kartu kredit menghilangkan kebutuhan akan uang tunai.
- The dictator eliminated anyone who might be a threat to him.
- end, ended, ended
- How does the story end?
Bagaimana ceritanya berakhir? - The festival ends on Saturday.
Festival berakhir pada hari Sabtu.
- How does the story end?
- enjoy, enjoyed, enjoyed
- Doni says he enjoys his new job.
Doni mengatakan dia menikmati pekerjaan barunya. - I enjoyed every minute with her yesterday.
Aku menikmati setiap menit bersamanya kemarin.
- Doni says he enjoys his new job.
- fix, fixed, fixed
- Let me fix my hair first and then we can go.
Biarkan aku memperbaiki rambutku dulu dan baru kita bisa pergi. - He fixed the lamp to the wall above the bed with a couple of screws.
Dia memperbaiki lampu ke dinding di atas tempat tidur dengan beberapa sekrup.
- Let me fix my hair first and then we can go.
- follow, followed, followed
- Follow me and I'll show you where the library is.
Ikuti aku dan aku akan menunjukkan di mana perpustakaannya berada. - He followed her home to find out where she lived.
Dia mengikutinya ke rumah untuk mencari tahu di mana dia tinggal.
- Follow me and I'll show you where the library is.
- fry, fried, fried
- Fry the onions gently for five minutes.
Goreng bawang dengan perlahan selama lima menit. - He fried the chicken and served it with spicy chili sauce.
Dia menggoreng ayam dan menyajikannya dengan saus cabai pedas.
- Fry the onions gently for five minutes.
- greet, greeted, greeted
- Miftah greeted me warmly this morning.
Miftah menyambutku dengan hangat pagi ini. - He always greets everyone in the office.
Dia selalu menyapa semua orang di kantor.
- Miftah greeted me warmly this morning.
- guess, guessed, guessed
- We can only guess at the cause of the crash.
Kami hanya bisa menebak penyebab kecelakaan itu. - She looked at her face, and guessed what the old man was thinking.
Dia menatap wajahnya, dan menebak apa yang dipikirkan lelaki tua itu.
- We can only guess at the cause of the crash.
- hunt, hunted, hunted
- The leopard hunts at night.
Macan tutul berburu di malam hari. - I hunted all morning for the book, but couldn't find it.
Aku berburu sepanjang pagi untuk buku tersebut, tetapi tidak dapat menemukannya.
- The leopard hunts at night.
- identify, identified, identified
- Can you identify the man who robbed you?
Dapatkah Anda mengidentifikasi pria yang merampok Anda? - The victim identified her attacker in court.
Korban mengidentifikasi penyerangnya di pengadilan.
- Can you identify the man who robbed you?
- imagine, imagined, imagined
- Imagine life without the internet.
Bayangkan hidup tanpa internet.
- Imagine life without the internet.
- invite, invited, invited
- Who should we invite to the party?
Siapa yang harus kita undang ke pesta? - At the end of the lecture, the speaker invited the audience to ask questions and share their ideas.
Di akhir kuliah, pembicara mengundang hadirin untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dan bertukar pikiran.
- Who should we invite to the party?
- join, joined, joined
- Join the two pieces of wood using strong glue.
Gabungkan dua potong kayu dengan menggunakan lem yang kuat. - He joined the navy when he was 17.
Dia bergabung dengan angkatan laut ketika dia berusia 17 tahun.
- Join the two pieces of wood using strong glue.
- jump, jumped, jumped
- My cat always jumps up onto the table when I'm trying to work.
Kucingku selalu melompat ke atas meja ketika aku mencoba untuk bekerja. - The dog jumped the gate and ran away.
Anjing itu melompati gerbang dan melarikan diri.
- My cat always jumps up onto the table when I'm trying to work.
- knock, knocked, knocked
- You should knock before you come in.
Kamu harus mengetuk sebelum masuk. - I knocked on the door but nobody answered.
Aku tadi mengetuk pintu tetapi tidak ada yang menjawab.
- You should knock before you come in.
- love, loved, loved
- I love you, Hermione.
Aku mencintaimu, Hermione. - I loved you, but it’s not anymore.
Aku dulu mencintaimu, tetapi sekarang tidak lagi.
- I love you, Hermione.
- manage, managed, managed
- I manage my own business myself.
Aku mengelola bisnisku sendiri. - He finally managed to find an apartment near his office.
Dia akhirnya berhasil menemukan apartemen di dekat kantornya.
- I manage my own business myself.
- mark, marked, marked
- I put a slip of paper in my book to mark the page.
Aku memasukkan secarik kertas ke dalam bukuku untuk menandai halaman itu. - Her shoes marked the floor.
Sepatunya membekas di lantai.
- I put a slip of paper in my book to mark the page.
- match, matched, matched
- Match the words on the left with the pictures on the right.
Cocokkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan gambar di sebelah kanan. - The suspect matched the descriptions provided by witnesses.
Tersangka cocok dengan keterangan yang diberikan oleh saksi.
- Match the words on the left with the pictures on the right.
- name, named, named
- We named our daughter Diah.
Kami menamai putri kami Diah. - You should name the file before you save it.
Kau harus memberi nama file sebelum kau menyimpannya.
- We named our daughter Diah.
- need, needed, needed
- A job like nursing needs patience and understanding.
Pekerjaan seperti merawat orang tua membutuhkan kesabaran dan pengertian. - She needed some sleep.
Dia tadi butuh tidur.
- A job like nursing needs patience and understanding.
- open, opened, opened
- He opens the store at around 7.30 am.
Dia membuka toko sekitar jam 7.30 pagi. - Desi opened the window.
Desi tadi membuka jendela.
- He opens the store at around 7.30 am.
- order, ordered, ordered
- Are you ready to order, sir?
Sudah siap memesan, tuan? - Joshua sat down and ordered a meal.
Joshua duduk dan memesan makanan.
- Are you ready to order, sir?
- organize, organized, organized
- You need to organize your financial records.
Kau perlu mengatur catatan keuanganmu. - The book is organized into three sections.
Bukunya disusun menjadi tiga bagian.
- You need to organize your financial records.
- pack, packed, packed
- Don't forget to pack your swimming suit.
Jangan lupa mengepak pakaian renangmu. - She packed her suitcase and set off for the airport.
Dia mengemasi kopernya dan berangkat ke bandara.
- Don't forget to pack your swimming suit.
- paint, painted, painted
- Yuna usually paints in the afternoons.
Yuna biasanya melukis di sore hari. - Sarah painted the table blue.
Sarah mengecat meja dengan warna biru.
- Yuna usually paints in the afternoons.
- pass, passed, passed
- He gave me a smile as he passed.
Dia tersenyum padaku ketika dia lewat. - Could you pass the salt, please?
Bisakah kau mengambilkan garam tersebut?
- He gave me a smile as he passed.
- perform, performed, performed
- My band performed well in Surabaya yesterday.
Bandku tampil baik di Surabaya kemarin. - Surgeons performed an emergency operation.
Ahli bedah tadi melakukan operasi darurat.
- My band performed well in Surabaya yesterday.
- persuade, persuaded, persuaded
- I tried to persuade his ex-girlfriend to talk to him, but she said no.
Aku mencoba membujuk mantan pacarnya untuk berbicara dengannya, tetapi dia mengatakan tidak. - Risma didn't want to come at first, but we persuaded him.
Risma tidak ingin datang pada awalnya, tetapi kami membujuknya.
- I tried to persuade his ex-girlfriend to talk to him, but she said no.
- protect, protected, protected
- The dust cover protects the computer from dust.
Penutup debu melindungi komputer dari debu. - The painting is protected by thick glass.
Lukisan itu dilindungi oleh kaca tebal.
- The dust cover protects the computer from dust.
- review, reviewed, reviewed
- I'll just review my notes and go to bed.
Aku hanya akan meninjau catatanku dan pergi tidur. - Dina wrote a note to him after reviewed his reports.
Dina menulis catatan untuknya setelah memeriksa laporannya.
- I'll just review my notes and go to bed.
- shop, shopped, shopped
- I usually shop for vegetables in the traditional market because it’s cheaper.
Aku biasanya berbelanja sayuran di pasar tradisional karena harganya lebih murah. - She shopped at Tesco last week.
Dia berbelanja di Tesco minggu lalu.
- I usually shop for vegetables in the traditional market because it’s cheaper.
- slow, slowed, slowed
- Her breathing slowed and she fell asleep.
Napasnya melambat dan dia tertidur.
- Her breathing slowed and she fell asleep.
- turn, turned, turned
- Heat the peas briefly till they turn bright green.
Panaskan kacang polong sebentar sampai berwarna hijau cerah. - Dad turned and walked away.
Ayah berbalik dan berjalan pergi. - Turn left, we’re almost there.
Belok kiri, kita hampir sampai.
- Heat the peas briefly till they turn bright green.
- want, wanted, wanted
- Do you want milk in your coffee?
Apakah kau ingin susu dalam kopimu? - She wanted a bigger house.
Dia menginginkan rumah yang lebih besar.
- Do you want milk in your coffee?
Contoh Kalimat Irregular Verb beserta Artinya
Kumpulan kalimat Bahasa Inggris kedua ini merupakan contoh kalimat irregular verb. Tak seperti halnya regular verb Bahasa Inggris yang memiliki pola penambahan –e/-ed untuk bentuk V2 dan V3, irregular verb memiliki bentuk yang acak dan tak beraturan. Jadi untuk mahir menggunakannya, mau tak mau kita harus menghafalkan bentuk V2 dan V3 dari irregular verb Bahasa Inggris.
- become, became, become
- The weather became warmer.
Cuaca menjadi lebih hangat.
- The weather became warmer.
- bring, brought, brought
- The tourist industry brings a lot of money into the area.
Industri pariwisata membawakan banyak uang ke daerah tersebut. - She brought food for everyone.
Dia membawa makanan untuk semua orang.
- The tourist industry brings a lot of money into the area.
- begin, began, begun
- The National Independence Day Parade will begin next week.
Parade Hari Kemerdekaan Nasional akan dimulai minggu depan. - They began their holiday in Italy, and then went on to Greece.
Mereka memulai liburan mereka di Italia, dan kemudian pergi ke Yunani.
- The National Independence Day Parade will begin next week.
- build, built, built
- His ambition is to build his own house.
Ambisinya adalah membangun rumahnya sendiri. - The road was originally built by the Romans.
Jalan tersebut awalnya dibangun oleh orang Romawi.
- His ambition is to build his own house.
- break, broke, broken
- Don’t lean on the window like that – you’ll break it!
Jangan bersandar pada jendela seperti itu - Kau akan merusaknya! - I broke my leg last time I went skiing.
Kakiku patah terakhir kali aku bermain ski.
- Don’t lean on the window like that – you’ll break it!
- buy, bought, bought
- A dollar doesn't buy much these days.
Satu dolar tidak bisa membeli banyak saat ini. - I bought a new MacBook last week.
Aku membeli MacBook baru minggu lalu.
- A dollar doesn't buy much these days.
- come, came, come
- My laptop comes with a free bag.
Laptopku hadir dengan tas gratis. - He came early this morning.
Dia datang lebih awal pagi ini.
- My laptop comes with a free bag.
- cut, cut, cut
- Cut the meat into four pieces.
Potong daging menjadi empat bagian. - He cut the string and carefully unwrapped the parcel.
Dia memotong talinya dan dengan hati-hati membuka bungkusan itu.
- Cut the meat into four pieces.
- choose, chose, chosen
- It took her three hours to choose which dress to wear.
Butuh waktu tiga jam untuk memilih gaun mana yang akan dikenakan. - The city chose a new mayor on Monday.
Kota ini memilih walikota baru pada hari Senin.
- It took her three hours to choose which dress to wear.
- draw, drew, drawn
- She can draw really well.
Dia bisa menggambar dengan sangat baik. - The Dance Monkey song has drawn worldwide attention.
Lagu Dance Monkey telah menarik perhatian dunia.
- She can draw really well.
- drive, drove, driven
- Drive carefully - the roads are very icy.
Berkendara dengan hati-hati - jalanannya sangat penuh es. - Helen drove to the coast for the weekend.
Helen pergi ke pantai untuk berakhir pekan.
- Drive carefully - the roads are very icy.
- find, found, found
- I can’t find my car keys.
Aku tidak dapat menemukan kunci mobilku. - I found a wallet full of cash and credit cards in the parking lot.
Aku menemukan dompet penuh uang tunai dan kartu kredit di tempat parkir tadi.
- I can’t find my car keys.
- feel, felt, felt
- Do you still feel hungry?
Apakah kamu masih merasa lapar? - It felt great to be up in the mountains.
Rasanya senang bisa berada di atas gunung.
- Do you still feel hungry?
- fall, fell, fallen
- I fall in love with you, Elisa.
Aku jatuh cinta padamu, Elisa. - Katie fell and scraped her knee.
Katie jatuh dan lututnya lecet.
- I fall in love with you, Elisa.
- freeze, froze, frozen
- You can freeze any leftover chicken for another meal.
Kau dapat membekukan ayam yang tersisa untuk makan lagi nanti.
- You can freeze any leftover chicken for another meal.
- go, went, gone
- Do you know what time the next bus goes?
Apakah kau tahu jam berapa bus selanjutnya pergi? - I went to Ubud for vacation last holiday.
Aku pergi ke Ubud untuk liburan pada liburan yang lalu.
- Do you know what time the next bus goes?
- get, got, got/gotten (US)
- Did you get the email?
Apakah kau mendapat emailnya? - She got a new job.
Dia mendapat pekerjaan baru.
- Did you get the email?
- give, gave, given
- Can you give me a ride to the office tomorrow?
Bisakah kau memberi kan aku tumpangan ke kantor besok? - I gave my nieces and nephews $15 each.
Aku memberi masing-masing keponakan-keponakanku masing-masing $ 15.
- Can you give me a ride to the office tomorrow?
- grow, grew, grown
- My mother grows her own potatoes in the garden.
Ibuku menanam kentang sendiri di kebun. - My apparel business grew rapidly in the first year.
Bisnis pakaianku tumbuh pesat di tahun pertama.
- My mother grows her own potatoes in the garden.
- hear, heard, heard
- Did you hear that noise?
Apakah kau mendengar suara itu? - I heard a great new song on the radio.
Aku mendengar lagu baru yang bagus di radio.
- Did you hear that noise?
- hold, held, held
- She held a baby in her arms.
Dia menggendong bayi. - I held the money tightly in my hand.
Aku memegang uang itu erat-erat di tanganku.
- She held a baby in her arms.
- keep, kept, kept
- I keep all my tickets and boarding passes as souvenirs.
Aku menyimpan semua tiket dan boarding pass -ku sebagai oleh-oleh. - My job keeps me really busy.
Pekerjaanku membuatku terus begitu sibuk. - Keep your room tidy.
Jaga kamarmu tetap rapi.
- I keep all my tickets and boarding passes as souvenirs.
- know, knew, known
- I just know she will love this necklace.
Aku tahu saja kalau dia akan menyukai kalung ini. - Everyone who knew her described her as a kind, generous person.
Setiap orang yang mengenalnya dulu menggambarkannya sebagai orang yang baik hati dan murah hati.
- I just know she will love this necklace.
- leave, left, left
- I hated school and couldn't wait to leave.
Aku benci sekolah dan tidak sabar untuk pulang. - I'm sure I left my bag somewhere around here.
Aku yakin aku meninggalkan tasku di sekitar sini.
- I hated school and couldn't wait to leave.
- let, let, let
- Sarah doesn't let her kids eat candy.
Sarah tidak membiarkan anak-anaknya makan permen.
- Sarah doesn't let her kids eat candy.
- lead, led, led
- Dr. Jenkins leads a team of researchers at the Plant Institute.
Dr. Jenkins memimpin tim peneliti di Plant Institute. - A nurse took her arm and led her to a chair.
Seorang perawat meraih lengannya dan membawanya ke sebuah kursi.
- Dr. Jenkins leads a team of researchers at the Plant Institute.
- lose, lost, lost
- I always lose when I play tennis with my sister.
Aku selalu kalah ketika aku bermain tenis dengan saudara perempuanku. - I lost my wallet on the market.
Aku tadi kehilangan dompetku di pasar.
- I always lose when I play tennis with my sister.
- lie, lay, lain
- Lie on the floor and put your legs in the air.
Berbaringlah di lantai dan angkat kakimu. - Dena switched off the light and lay on the couch.
Dena mematikan lampu dan berbaring di sofa.
- Lie on the floor and put your legs in the air.
- make, made, made
- She makes me happy.
Dia membuatku bahagia. - I made this sweater by myself.
Aku membuat sweter ini sendiri.
- She makes me happy.
- mean, meant, meant
- The green light means “go”.
Lampu hijau berarti "jalan". - I meant what I said; I never want to see you again.
Aku bersungguh-sungguh akan apa yang aku katakan tadi; Aku tidak pernah ingin melihatmu lagi.
- The green light means “go”.
- meet, met, met
- I'll meet you outside the theatre at 7 o'clock.
Aku akan menemuimu di luar teater jam 7. - Deandra and I first met at university.
Deandra dan aku pertama kali bertemu di universitas.
- I'll meet you outside the theatre at 7 o'clock.
- put, put, put
- I put the coin in my pocket.
Aku memasukkan koin ke saku. - Just put the bags on the table.
Letakkan saja tas di atas meja.
- I put the coin in my pocket.
- pay, paid, paid
- Did she pay you for taking care of her kids?
Apakah dia membayarmu untuk merawat anak-anaknya? - If you earn below $6000, you pay no income tax.
Jika kau berpenghasilan di bawah $ 6000, kau tidak membayar pajak penghasilan.
- Did she pay you for taking care of her kids?
- run, ran, run
- Doni runs his retail business online.
Doni menjalankan bisnis ritelnya secara online. - A dog ran straight out in front of my car.
Seekor anjing berlari lurus di depan mobilku.
- Doni runs his retail business online.
- read, read, read
- I can’t read your writing.
Aku tidak bisa membaca tulisanmu. - Always read the label before you wash your clothes.
Selalu baca label sebelum kau mencuci pakaian.
- I can’t read your writing.
- rise, rose, risen
- A full moon rose over the valley.
Bulan purnama muncul di atas lembah. - Floodwaters continue to rise as the rain continues to fall.
Air banjir terus naik karena hujan terus turun.
- A full moon rose over the valley.
- say, said, said
- Brenda came over to say goodbye to me.
Brenda datang untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepadaku. - He said nothing when I asked him.
Dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa ketika aku bertanya kepadanya.
- Brenda came over to say goodbye to me.
- see, saw, seen
- Hi, I'm here to see Mr. Steve.
Hai, aku di sini untuk bertemu Pak Steve. - I saw something back there.
Aku tadi melihat sesuatu di belakang sana.
- Hi, I'm here to see Mr. Steve.
- show, showed, shown
- His performance shows great talent.
Penampilannya menunjukkan bakat yang luar biasa. - Dian showed me his new tattoo.
Dian menunjukkan padaku tato barunya.
- His performance shows great talent.
- stand, stood, stood
- Don't just stand there - help me!
Jangan hanya berdiri di sana saja - bantu aku! - I stood and stared at him in amazement.
Aku berdiri dan menatapnya dengan takjub.
- Don't just stand there - help me!
- set, set, set
- I set my alarm for five a.m. so I could get an early start.
Aku mengatur alarmku lima pagi sehingga aku bisa memulai lebih awal.
- I set my alarm for five a.m. so I could get an early start.
- sit, sat, sat
- Is it okay if I sit here?
Bolehkah aku duduk di sini? - He sat down right beside me.
Dia duduk tepat di sampingku.
- Is it okay if I sit here?
- speak, spoke, spoken
- Paul speaks Spanish and French.
Paul berbicara bahasa Spanyol dan Prancis. - I spoke to her last Sunday.
Aku berbicara dengannya hari Minggu lalu.
- Paul speaks Spanish and French.
- send, sent, sent
- I sent an email to the firm two days ago.
Aku mengirim email ke perusahaan itu dua hari yang lalu. - Perhaps I should send him a note of apology.
Mungkin aku harus mengiriminya surat permintaan maaf.
- I sent an email to the firm two days ago.
- spend, spent, spent
- I only want to spend about $30.
Aku hanya ingin menghabiskan sekitar $ 30. - Mom spent most of the weekend cleaning up the house.
Ibu menghabiskan sebagian besar akhir pekan bersih-bersih rumah.
- I only want to spend about $30.
- take, took, taken
- I take a bath twice a day.
Aku mandi dua kali sehari. - My girlfriend took me to meet his parents.
Pacarku mengajak aku bertemu orang tuanya.
- I take a bath twice a day.
- think, thought , thought
- I don’t think he loves me.
Kurasa dia tidak mencintaiku. - I thought she was a nice girl.
Aku pikir dulu dia adalah gadis yang baik.
- I don’t think he loves me.
- tell, told, told
- Promise me you won’t tell anyone about this.
Berjanjilah padaku kamu tidak akan memberi tahu siapa pun tentang ini. - She told me to leave her alone.
Dia menyuruhku untuk meninggalkannya sendirian.
- Promise me you won’t tell anyone about this.
- understand, understood, understood
- Mira doesn’t understand English.
Mira tidak mengerti bahasa Inggris. - Ben asked a few questions to make sure he understood what to do.
Ben mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan untuk memastikan dia mengerti apa yang harus dilakukan.
- Mira doesn’t understand English.
- write, wrote, written
- Do you want me to write that down for you?
Apakah kau ingin aku menuliskannya untukmu? - Who wrote “Marmut Merah Jambu”?
Siapa yang menulis "Marmut Merah Jambu"?
- Do you want me to write that down for you?
- wear, wore, worn
- She wears sandals, even in the winter.
Dia memakai sandal, bahkan di musim dingin. - He wore a red suit to work yesterday.
Dia memakai jas merah untuk bekerja kemarin.
- She wears sandals, even in the winter.
Baiklah, itu tadi kumpulan contoh kalimat regular verb dan irregular verb beserta artinya yang bisa kamu gunakan sebagai referensi belajar Bahasa Inggris ataupun untuk tugas di sekolah. Semoga pembahasan dan contoh kalimat Bahasa Inggris di atas bias bermanfaat buat kamu semua, terutama yang masih dalam tahap belajar Bahasa Inggris pemula.
Selain dari contoh kalimat regular verb dan irregular verb beserta artinya tadi, ContohText juga masih memiliki beragam materi belajar Bahasa Inggris lain yang menarik untuk dipelajari, seperti:
- Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense Positif, Negatif, dan Tanya
- 10 Kata Kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya
- Contoh Kalimat Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
- Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Positif, Negatif, dan Tanya
- Irregular verb dan artinya yang sering digunakan.
- 150+ Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Menggunakan Kata Kerja dan Artinya
- 75+ Kata Kerja yang Diikuti Gerund beserta Contoh kalimatnya
- 200+ Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan dalam Bahasa Inggris (Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3) dan Artinya
- Pengertian, Penggunaan, dan Rumus Simple Present Tense beserta Contoh Kalimatnya
- Pengertian, Penggunaan, dan Rumus Present Continuous Tense beserta Contohnya
- Pengertian, Penggunaan, dan Rumus Simple Past Tense beserta Contoh Kalimatnya
- Pengertian, Rumus, dan Contoh Present Perfect Tense
- Pengertian, Rumus, dan Contoh Present Perfect Continuous Tense