Other Ways to Say Thank You in Casual, Formal, and Professional Situations

I’m pretty sure that one of the first sentences you ever learned in English was thank you. In fact, this sentence is one of the first sentences that most people learn when learning a new language. Also, it’s an essential expression when traveling to a different county. Then, why is this expression so important?

other ways to say thank you

Other ways to say thank you, designed by www.freepik.com

Saying thank you to someone has a “magic power”. It will help you to express your gratitude and share joy and kindness with others. The most important one, it will put a warm smile on someone’s face.

Well, in this session, we’re going to learn about other ways to say thank you for casual or less formal, formal, as well as professional situations.

Other Ways to Say Thank You in Casual Situations

For everyday use, especially when speaking in casual or informal situations, these following expressions are commonly used to say thanks.

  • Thank you.
  • Thanks so much.
  • Thanks a lot.
  • Thanks a bunch.
  • Thanks a million.
  • Thanks for…
  • Thanks!


When you invite your friends or neighbors to your party or your dad gives you a new pair of shoes, you can say:

  • “Thanks for coming to my party. It’s really nice to see you.”
  • “Thanks Dad, you’re the best.”

  • I really appreciate it.
  • That’s very kind.


When a stranger on the street just gave you a compliment about your outfit, you can say:

  • “That’s very kind of you. Thank you.”
  • I don’t know what to say!
  • How thoughtful of you!
  • You shouldn’t have.


When someone does something unexpected for you like giving you a surprise party or precious gift, you can say:

  • “Thanks for the wonderful gift. You really shouldn’t have. But I really love it.”

  • You’re best.
  • I owe you one.
  • You rock.
  • You’re awesome!
  • You made my day.


Your friend at work or school stayed late to help you for meeting the project deadline, or your neighbor might offer you a ride when it’s raining outside.

  • “You’re the best, John. Thanks so much for helping me.”
  • “I really owe you one. I couldn’t have finished this class project without your help. Next time you need my help, I’ve got it.”

  • What would I do without you?
  • To say thank you is not enough
  • I can’t thank you enough.


When you had a stressful, tough day at work and felt so tired, one of your family members offered to take care of dinner and clean the dishes.

  • “What would I do without you? You’re so wonderful.”
  • “I can’t thank you enough. I was busy the whole day and now I need a night off.”

Other Ways to Say Thank You in Formal Situations

In some daily situations, for example at work, school, college, or in our personal lives, formal language is often required, especially in writing. Let’s say when you want to express gratitude or thankfulness in a speech at a wedding, or perhaps in a lecture and meeting, then it would be appropriate using more formal language.

These following expression are commonly used as the other ways to say thank you in formal situations.

  • I’m so grateful for…
  • I’m so thankful for…
  • Many thanks for…


  • “I'm so thankful for friends like you.”
  • “I’m so grateful for your help.”
  • “Many thanks for your help.”

  • I truly appreciate…
  • Thank you ever so much for…
  • How kind of you to…


When you asking your work team for working overtime or volunteering to work on a Saturday, you can say:

  • “I truly appreciate everyone’s efforts and commitment to our success.”
  • “It was kind of you to spare your precious time to help our firm volunteer at fundraising for cancer research.”

  • Thank you for taking the trouble to…


When one of your co-workers needs an extra time to give you some information about your new project, then send an email to express your gratitude.

    “Hi, Jeremy. I just wanted to say thank you for taking the trouble to spare an extra time answering all my questions. I know you have a lot of works to do and I really appreciate that you took the time to respond quickly.”

  • I’m eternally/extremely grateful for…
  • I cannot thank you enough for…
  • I want you to know how much I value…
  • Words cannot describe/express how grateful we are for…
  • Please accept my deepest thanks for…
  • I owe you a great debt of gratitude.


Sometimes we face very hard times in our lives, whether you lost the job, were hit by natural disaster like flood or earthquake, or deal with financial issues. If you’re writing someone to thank them for their assistance, these following expressions are most appropriate.

  • “I’m extremely grateful to you for providing my family and me meals and shelter during our difficult time.”
  • “I cannot thank you enough for understanding my problems.”
  • “Words cannot express how grateful I am for your assistance during our difficult time”
  • “Please accept my deepest thanks for your help.”

Other Ways to Say Thank You in Professional Situations

When you’re dealing with companies or business matter, writing an official business email or letter is required. It’s best to use a professional, formal expression in such a situation to show your appreciation, for example when your business partner responding to you.

  • Thank you for your prompt reply.
  • Thank you for contacting me.

Using appreciate and grateful are also common to show your thanks. The word feedback in profesional situation is similar to “response” or “reply”, and assistance is related to “help”.

  • Thank you for your assistance with…
  • Thank you for your attention to this matter.
  • I appreciate your feedback.
  • I’m grateful for your assistance.
  • Your support is greatly appreciated.
  • I’d like to express my appreciation for…
  • Thank you for your kind consideration.

Well, that’s all our lessons today about the other ways to say thank you. If you have one favorite way to express thankfulness or gratitude, let us know by commenting in the comment section below. Don’t forget to share this article and spread joys to others by saying thank you.